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  • Writer's pictureDee

Precious metals and precious me

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

I'm sure we all fancy a bit of jewellery here and there to up our looks or maybe just add a bit of edge, but is there really any way to know which materials or colours work best for your look? Gold? Silver? Titanium? White gold? Gun metal? Rose gold? There are just sooo many options and I want to say that there isn't any way to know for sure, but the truth is, there is one way - put it on and look in the mirror. If you're not feeling enhanced and dripping like Cleopatra styled you in her personal

wardrobe, then that's not it.

Personally, I tend to be biased to a bit of sun-shinin' gold. I know this seems to be the basic option because it is more of a traditional and classic style, but I can't help myself! Gold is my kryptonite and I have never wanted to feel more weak. OK but more than that, my preference for it is actually based in the fact that I believe that gold pops the best against my melanin enriched skin, and more so because of my yellow skin undertone.

But depending on the look I have going, I am not opposed to rocking some mixed metals. For example, if I'm wearing a belt with a silver buckle or carrying a bag with silver accents, I feel the need to match it to whatever jewellery I'm sporting with that look. Blame it on the mild OCD.

In the end, I don't think it really matters what the composition of your outfit is, or your undertones. All that matters is that you pick the jewellery items that make you feel expensive.

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